Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mice work - Yet to start

For various reasons the mice experiments are getting delayed.
  1. Our histology lab is not yet funstional - we have ordered for tissue capsules, it is on its way - from past 2 weeks.
  2. The rats have become intolerant in BK's experiment - it can no more be fed like the previous one. Thay are totally restless and agitated during every attempt of feedinf oflox. New methods are on cards. Have to implement.
  3. Pathology people are more cooperating with us in seeding a lab establishment than in processing the tissue given to them. We are in the mood of having our lab functioning - than to collaberate with them!
  4. Of late - a cold war has started - with us and Pharmacology department - sparked by uninformed use of one more rat for the oflox experiment. We have given lengthy request letter for more rats and mice. Finally they made the comment, much inevitable - 'we dont have enough male mice, you may have to order'. This may have more impact in future than it is evident today!
From today we have started writing in a movememt kind of register in the central animal house, indicating the time of visit, the purpose of visit, the persons visited to the central animal house.
Some how we have to see that some staff member is present whenever we goto animal house, so that any mishappenings can be overcome easily! and my senses are telling that the animal house is not all that fool-proof.

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